Version 0.10 (2014-04-03)

  • ~1500 changes, numerous bugfixes

  • Language

    • A new RFC process is now in place for modifying the language.
    • Patterns with @-pointers have been removed from the language.
    • Patterns with unique vectors (~[T]) have been removed from the language.
    • Patterns with unique strings (~str) have been removed from the language.
    • @str has been removed from the language.
    • @[T] has been removed from the language.
    • @self has been removed from the language.
    • @Trait has been removed from the language.
    • Headers on ~ allocations which contain @ boxes inside the type for reference counting have been removed.
    • The semantics around the lifetimes of temporary expressions have changed, see #3511 and #11585 for more information.
    • Cross-crate syntax extensions are now possible, but feature gated. See #11151 for more information. This includes both macro_rules! macros as well as syntax extensions such as format!.
    • New lint modes have been added, and older ones have been turned on to be warn-by-default.
      • Unnecessary parentheses
      • Uppercase statics
      • Camel Case types
      • Uppercase variables
      • Publicly visible private types
      • #[deriving] with raw pointers
    • Unsafe functions can no longer be coerced to closures.
    • Various obscure macros such as log_syntax! are now behind feature gates.
    • The #[simd] attribute is now behind a feature gate.
    • Visibility is no longer allowed on extern crate statements, and unnecessary visibility (priv) is no longer allowed on use statements.
    • Trailing commas are now allowed in argument lists and tuple patterns.
    • The do keyword has been removed, it is now a reserved keyword.
    • Default type parameters have been implemented, but are feature gated.
    • Borrowed variables through captures in closures are now considered soundly.
    • extern mod is now extern crate
    • The Freeze trait has been removed.
    • The Share trait has been added for types that can be shared among threads.
    • Labels in macros are now hygienic.
    • Expression/statement macro invocations can be delimited with {} now.
    • Treatment of types allowed in static mut locations has been tweaked.
    • The * and . operators are now overloadable through the Deref and DerefMut traits.
    • ~Trait and proc no longer have Send bounds by default.
    • Partial type hints are now supported with the _ type marker.
    • An Unsafe type was introduced for interior mutability. It is now considered undefined to transmute from &T to &mut T without using the Unsafe type.
    • The #[linkage] attribute was implemented for extern statics/functions.
    • The inner attribute syntax has changed from #[foo]; to #![foo].
    • Pod was renamed to Copy.
  • Libraries

    • The libextra library has been removed. It has now been decomposed into component libraries with smaller and more focused nuggets of functionality. The full list of libraries can be found on the documentation index page.
    • std: std::condition has been removed. All I/O errors are now propagated through the Result type. In order to assist with error handling, a try! macro for unwrapping errors with an early return and a lint for unused results has been added. See #12039 for more information.
    • std: The vec module has been renamed to slice.
    • std: A new vector type, Vec<T>, has been added in preparation for DST. This will become the only growable vector in the future.
    • std: std::io now has more public re-exports. Types such as BufferedReader are now found at std::io::BufferedReader instead of std::io::buffered::BufferedReader.
    • std: print and println are no longer in the prelude, the print! and println! macros are intended to be used instead.
    • std: Rc now has a Weak pointer for breaking cycles, and it no longer attempts to statically prevent cycles.
    • std: The standard distribution is adopting the policy of pushing failure to the user rather than failing in libraries. Many functions (such as slice::last()) now return Option<T> instead of T + failing.
    • std: fmt::Default has been renamed to fmt::Show, and it now has a new deriving mode: #[deriving(Show)].
    • std: ToStr is now implemented for all types implementing Show.
    • std: The formatting trait methods now take &self instead of &T
    • std: The invert() method on iterators has been renamed to rev()
    • std: std::num has seen a reduction in the genericity of its traits, consolidating functionality into a few core traits.
    • std: Backtraces are now printed on task failure if the environment variable RUST_BACKTRACE is present.
    • std: Naming conventions for iterators have been standardized. More details can be found on the wiki's style guide.
    • std: eof() has been removed from the Reader trait. Specific types may still implement the function.
    • std: Networking types are now cloneable to allow simultaneous reads/writes.
    • std: assert_approx_eq! has been removed
    • std: The e and E formatting specifiers for floats have been added to print them in exponential notation.
    • std: The Times trait has been removed
    • std: Indications of variance and opting out of builtin bounds is done through marker types in std::kinds::marker now
    • std: hash has been rewritten, IterBytes has been removed, and #[deriving(Hash)] is now possible.
    • std: SharedChan has been removed, Sender is now cloneable.
    • std: Chan and Port were renamed to Sender and Receiver.
    • std: Chan::new is now channel().
    • std: A new synchronous channel type has been implemented.
    • std: A select! macro is now provided for selecting over Receivers.
    • std: hashmap and trie have been moved to libcollections
    • std: run has been rolled into io::process
    • std: assert_eq! now uses {} instead of {:?}
    • std: The equality and comparison traits have seen some reorganization.
    • std: rand has moved to librand.
    • std: to_{lower,upper}case has been implemented for char.
    • std: Logging has been moved to liblog.
    • collections: HashMap has been rewritten for higher performance and less memory usage.
    • native: The default runtime is now libnative. If libgreen is desired, it can be booted manually. The runtime guide has more information and examples.
    • native: All I/O functionality except signals has been implemented.
    • green: Task spawning with libgreen has been optimized with stack caching and various trimming of code.
    • green: Tasks spawned by libgreen now have an unmapped guard page.
    • sync: The extra::sync module has been updated to modern rust (and moved to the sync library), tweaking and improving various interfaces while dropping redundant functionality.
    • sync: A new Barrier type has been added to the sync library.
    • sync: An efficient mutex for native and green tasks has been implemented.
    • serialize: The base64 module has seen some improvement. It treats newlines better, has non-string error values, and has seen general cleanup.
    • fourcc: A fourcc! macro was introduced
    • hexfloat: A hexfloat! macro was implemented for specifying floats via a hexadecimal literal.
  • Tooling

    • rustpkg has been deprecated and removed from the main repository. Its replacement, cargo, is under development.
    • Nightly builds of rust are now available
    • The memory usage of rustc has been improved many times throughout this release cycle.
    • The build process supports disabling rpath support for the rustc binary itself.
    • Code generation has improved in some cases, giving more information to the LLVM optimization passes to enable more extensive optimizations.
    • Debuginfo compatibility with lldb on OSX has been restored.
    • The master branch is now gated on an android bot, making building for android much more reliable.
    • Output flags have been centralized into one --emit flag.
    • Crate type flags have been centralized into one --crate-type flag.
    • Codegen flags have been consolidated behind a -C flag.
    • Linking against outdated crates now has improved error messages.
    • Error messages with lifetimes will often suggest how to annotate the function to fix the error.
    • Many more types are documented in the standard library, and new guides were written.
    • Many rustdoc improvements:
      • code blocks are syntax highlighted.
      • render standalone markdown files.
      • the --test flag tests all code blocks by default.
      • exported macros are displayed.
      • re-exported types have their documentation inlined at the location of the first re-export.
      • search works across crates that have been rendered to the same output directory.